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3 of the World's Most Popular Workouts That Will NEVER Transform Your Trouble Spots


Did you know that the world's most popular exercise methods like Yoga, P90X and Crossfit do very little to transform your stubborn body parts (and may be causing your body more harm than good)? Its 100% true!

And in the short article below I am going to explain EXACTLY why these trendy methods may be making your trouble spots look thicker and fatter - not better.

My wife Janet (Holistic Nutritionist for over 10 years now) and I have been researching and applying these unique exercise and nutrition methods with hundreds of our clients around the world.

Now it's YOUR turn.

If you truly want to target, sculpt, and develop your problem areas, make sure you're NOT falling for the misleading workout advice below ...SEE MORE


Destroy Workout Plateaus and TRASH Boring and Outdated Interval Workouts with 51 NEW and Never-Seen-Before Metabolic Finishers and 119 Guaranteed-to-Get-You-Shredded Exercises (All Without Ever Giving Up Your Favorite Workouts)

And You’ll Do It In As Little As 3 Minutes!


The best part? You’ll do every single finisher “Follow-Along” style with High-Quality videos you can download to your computer, tablet or phone as Brian Kalakay and I coach you with every finisher every rep of the way.

Workout Finishers Expert Mike Whitfield introduces his breakthrough “Metabolic Stacking” training to help you torch body fat and smash any plateau in as little as 3 minutes without EVER stepping on a treadmill again

How You Can Still Eat Your Favorite Foods and Exercise Only 21 Minutes a Day, while you Burn More Belly Fat — With ZERO Equipment

By Adam Steer

Biosignature Certified, MAT Lower Body Specialist

This may come as a shock, but you’ve been lied to about exercise and weight loss.

For example, did you know that concealed research actually proves that the “world’s most popular weight loss exercise” is a sham? Every year, 36 million people start jogging because they think it’ll get them a lean physique. But check this out:

In 2006, researchers from Berkeley and Stanford Universities revealed the results of their study on habitual runners. To the shock of the entire fitness industry, ALL the runners — including those who ran as much as 8 miles per DAY — got fatter with every passing year!

Those folks are wasting 100% of their exercise time! And that’s just one of the many mistakes I want to help you avoid.

On this page, I’ll show you the 3 common workout traps that kill your weight loss results. And you’ll also discover how to easily organize a short, 21-minute workout that burns more fat than trendy workouts that take 2 -3 times longer.

Sound too good to be true? I thought so too...SEE MORE

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